We support organizations that contribute to a holistic movement for racial and gender justice through work that builds the power of communities most impacted by injustice to win change.
Lani Shaw’s values and heart shaped many aspects of GSF’s grantmaking. As an ongoing tribute to her life and work, GSF makes an annual award to support campaigns and exceptional leadership that resonate with Lani’s intersecting social justice passions.
The work of addressing our country’s most profound challenges can take a toll on movement leaders and organizations. We are exploring ways to resource well-being and resilience within our movements.HOW WE FUND
At the General Service Foundation, justice is our guiding star.
At every step, from who we fund, to how we use our voice, to how we invest, we seek to apply justice principles to our work.
We know that foundations can either accelerate or impede the efforts of leaders and organizations to bring about change, and our intention is to support and amplify the efforts of those who are working to create a more just world.
As GSF has evolved, our values of patience and experimentation have led us to invest early in emerging organizations and their leaders, sustain long-term relationships as grantees take thoughtful risks, and stand with them through both failure and success.
We work from a philosophy of trust-based philanthropy, offering our support in a spirit of partnership and humility. We understand that our grantee partners are the experts in the field, and we seek to minimize the power imbalances that are typical in funder-grantee relationships.
Our guiding principles are:
- Partnership - Relationships of mutual support and trust are key to bringing about true change.
- Leadership - We support our grantees to develop courageous, visionary leadership in all levels of their organizations.
- Engagement - We listen, learn and aim to be responsive to shifting needs.
- Collaboration - We actively seek out opportunities for alignment, partnership and collaboration.
- Respect - Because our grantees’ time is a precious resource, we only ask for what we need in grant applications and reports.
- Experimentation - We value curiosity and the process of learning.We encourage grantees to take risks and try new strategies when something isn’t working.