Gabriella Zhuang-Estrin


Gabriella Zhuang-Estrin


Gabriella Zhuang-Estrin

Gabrielle Zhuang-Estrin has been a Clinical Social Worker in Los Angeles since 2007. Gabrielle holds a passionate interest in intergenerational trauma and wisdom and the intersection of racial trauma, somatics and social justice. Presently, her private practice focuses on the AAPI community, those who have been grappling with racial identity, the immigrant experience as well the surge of anti-AAPI hate over the last few years.

Gabrielle has provided direct service to diverse and vulnerable populations at the Veteran’s Administration, LA Homeless Authority, Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking and other organizations in the Los Angeles area. In her work, she’s guided by the principles of compassion, curiosity and holding complexity. She is a certified community mindfulness facilitator and a certified Sensorimotor Psychotherapy practitioner. She is a fourth-generation GSF family board member and currently serves on the boards of The Relational Center and of the John Lloyd Foundation.

Gabrielle has a Masters in Social Work from UCLA and a Masters in Depth Psychology with an emphasis in Community Liberation and Ecopsychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Gabrielle identifies as a 1.5 generation Chinese-American immigrant and grew up in the Midwest. Outside of work, Gabrielle is a joyful wife and mother, and she loves spending time in nature, dancing and eating sumptuous food.
